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Performance issues with HVM WIndows machines

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We are having a problem with AntiVirus solution (ESET Fileserver). We are running XenServer environment with HVM Windows (Server 2012 DC R2) machines
The storage is a set of RAID10 SSDs. When we installed AntiVirus on those Windows machines we could see a significant drop in the performance.
We have performance tool which measures certain values on those Windows machines. It seems we can't find the reason why this is happening.
1. Significant impact on writing throughput
   Without AV:              190%
   With AV:                 150%
   Current physical:        160%
2. Significant impact to CPU (generating data to write)
   Without AV:              160%
   With AV:                 107%
   Current physical:        108%
3. Significant impact to SQL insert statement <- primary problem
   Without AV:              4.5s
   With AV:                  19s
   Current physical:        1.4s (dedicated SSD helps this)
Our INSERT test directly inserts 10000 rows via JDBC into a test table. 
a.    these rows all have the same content: a single long value and 9 text columns, around 200 Bytes per row
2.    The select test runs a single SELECT statement via JDBC on the test table: 
a.    SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE ID > 0
-> That should return approx. 2MB in total (10000 records of around 200 Bytes each)

Can you please explain why or what can cause this issue ?. This is the first time we have seen something like that.
Many thanks for your help.

Luke J.

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Does temporarily disabling real-time protection via gui make a difference? If not, what about temporarily disabling automatic real-time protection start and restarting the server? If that doesn't help either, also try disabling HIPS and restarting the server. Let us know about your findings.

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HI Marcos,

Thank you so much for the reply. 
Yes we did try to disable real time protection but it seems not to make any difference.

We will try with disabling HIPS but I'm worried that this will not help

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Except these two modules I can't think of anything else that might have effect on performance. Please make sure to also try disabling automatic real-time protection start and restarting the server. It's not the same as just pausing real-time protection via gui.

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