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  1. Upvote
    ShaneDT received kudos from cantankrs in Future changes to ESET PROTECT (cloud)   
    Currently when you click on Details / Hardware for a computer object in ESET Protect Cloud, if the computer has multiple hard drives, it lists the drives, but it lists free space as 'Aggregated Free Space'.
    It would be much more useful if this listed the individual drives free space.
    One of my clients has a 256GB SSD & a 1TB HDD. I received an alert on the weekend 'There is not enough free disk space available' but when I check on ESET Protect it tells me there is 'Aggregated Free Space' of 600GB.
    Of course I can assume the 256GB drive is full, but this morning I don't know if the user has already fixed the problem or not. It would be much better to have free space listed for each drive detected.
  2. Upvote
    ShaneDT received kudos from FlorentF in Future changes to ESET Endpoint programs   
    Can we please have an option in "Web and Email / Web Control" to create rules to block websites based on keyword.
    For example, for an unproductive student, we don't want to block youtube completely as this is sometimes required for their school work, but we do want to block youtube videos on for example Minecraft. 
    Now admittedly we are assuming every youtube page with a Minecraft video will have the word 'minecraft' on that page, but most probable will, so at least this rule would block most of these videos.
    This is just one example of many that we could come up with to block content that is not currently covered under the set categories, and where blocking based on url is not practical.
  3. Upvote
    ShaneDT received kudos from FlorentF in Reports in ESET Protect server - can't select items   
    Why is it when you select an item to add a column when creating a report, suddenly this then limits what additional items you can add to the report?
    For example, I want to create a report for hardware inventory.
    So I add Computer Name. So far so good.
    I then add Manufacturer. 
    I then want to add Model, but already I've been reduced to a very small subset of items, and Model is no longer available.
    So I can't add model, processor, memory, hard drive, firmware details, driver details, etc...
    I basically want to create a report that exports everything on the Computer Details / Basic and Hardware TABs but ESET Protect doesn't let me do this.
    Same applies for other reports I want to run. I have weekly reports for all my customers with different information but I have to separate these reports into half a dozen different reports as I can't select everything I want in one or two reports.
    This has been a problem for a long time. Can it be fixed please?
  4. Upvote
    ShaneDT received kudos from NewbyUser in Ongoing Outlook Sync issues with ESET   
    That is disappointing. This problem has been known for so such a long time, and a fix has been promised (and not working) also for a long time. I'm not interested in deploying an 'only briefly tested' version to hundreds of customers computers. Will the dll fix be able to be deployed by ESET Protect? Will this affect future 'uPCU' updates?
    Whatever happened to automatic program updates by the way? This feature has been in policy for a long time and also has never worked. Wasn't this supposed to be fixed in version 8.0?
  5. Upvote
    ShaneDT received kudos from MichalJ in upgrade to 7.3.2032 - computer gets shut down after scheduled scan   
    Yep, but the option is and has been there in the policy settings since I've been selling ESET (circa v6). If the option doesn't work it shouldn't be there, but it really is an option that we need. Every other vendor has had automatic program updates for aeons.
  6. Upvote
    ShaneDT received kudos from Dimitris G in Scheduled Scans   
    Galaxy that is what backups and the built in Previous Version feature is for.
    There is another antivirus product that claims they can do this, but their own engineers on their own website admit it doesn't work lol.
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