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About Michelle911

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  1. I was having the same issue and found that Windows Defender was not turning off with Eset installed. Once I turned off Windows Defender through group policy (or local security policy in a workgroup) to I have no more issues.
  2. No those IP addresses are not known to me. It's alarming to see my machine as the source!
  3. I have two entries in my network protection log where the source is my internal ip for the exchange server - port 25 - user NTAuthority - application frontendtransport. I have run a scan and it is clean. How do I track this down?
  4. I am also experiencing this. I can click on that message repeatedly and it will most of the time go to the page I was looking for. Except for task scheduling - that page will just display the loading icon forever.
  5. Thanks for the reply. This was not my issue, so this did not help me. Since I only have a handful of mobile devices, I decided to uninstall the MDM core and reinstall it. Of course I had to stop managing and remove all the devices, which is kind of a pain, but I couldn't find another solution. It is now working and devices are connecting normally.
  6. The service will not start. The error in the event viewer is event id 7024 eset protect mobile device connector service terminated with the following service-specific error: the remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started. I have rebooted the server which did not help. The mobile devices of course aren't connecting. How do I get the service to start?
  7. I have EES v2.11.2.0-0 on a Samsung Galaxy 21+ and all of the sudden it says no supported browsers installed. Click to install Chrome and it shows uninstall or open. I have rebooted the phone and I have tried to uninstall chrome and still get the warning. It was working before, I'm not sure what changed. Chrome v91.0.4472.120 installed and set as default.
  8. Have you made sure that all services are started? Eset protect, SQL instance, Apache? Did you go into Apache and mapped the location for the Java or Coretto, etc? If all of the above are true, restart these - I go in the order of SQL, ESET, Apache.
  9. Do you mind sharing what the custom rule is to maybe help someone else?
  10. Something you might try - for sites that only work with Internet Explorer , I added the "IE-based tab" extension to chrome and brave browsers and can browse to them successfully.
  11. Did you install Tomcat with the Eset installer or as a standalone? My first couple tries was with the standalone and it did not work. I then uninstalled Tomcat and ran the Eset installer - checked "ESET Security Management Center Webconsole" which has Tomcat included and it then I could log into it and update the rest of the components..
  12. I had the same problem and solved mine by uninstalling tomcat (back up files in directions first), deleting directory, reinstalling tomcat and restoring said files.
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