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Everything posted by MrWrighty

  1. In the end the advice was to disable AMSI in the Eset console then re-enable it. This gets rid of the error and appears to fix the issue after a reboot.
  2. Just had this very issue occur on a Server running Server 2016. Needed to reboot server as getting WindowsUpdateFailed3 in event viewer (tonnes of them). Reboot didn't fix this, but server took an absolute age to start up. Couldn't even RDP in, but the VM started OK and was running. Eventually got in to be presented with the AMSI not integrated message. Running Server Security 11.0.120008.0. Server has been running and stable for a long time. Recently upgraded to Endpoint Security with Cloud Protect.
  3. Interesting that there is no response to this, so I guess there isn't an easy solution to the issue.
  4. I have migrated 24 PC's from On-Prem to cloud. I have a number of minor issues but not sure how to fix them. I used the migration policy which worked well. Added the license to the Cloud (35 seats) but I am told that I'm using 35/35 licenses even though only 24 machines are currently activated and showing on cloud. Is the On-Prem ERA counting towards this license count as presumably they both report back to EBA. Liveguard reports the correct number of activations at 24 but 35 is showing against 35 licenses for Eset EndPoint. How do I stop the additional licenses being shown, do I uninstall ERA from the On-Prem server.
  5. Cannot believe that ESET would do that because there is no additional benefit, it is one and the same product. Interestingly if you search the model number EAVHGE-N1-1-1-RBXEFL Ingram Micros Canada are also selling this version along with canadacomputers.com and newegg.ca. Very strange.
  6. Gamer Mode is a standard feature of NOD 32 Antivirus, it is not a special edition. https://www.eset.com/us/home/antivirus/#inside-windows Looks like these companies are promoting a "SPECIAL" product when in fact it is the standard product. If you have paid a premium price for the extra Gaming function you need to take this up with BestBuy.
  7. Where was the download from, there isn't a Gamer Edition.
  8. If there is a warning then the site is likely compromised. Why not disable Eset altogether and take the risk as clearly you do not want anyone ne to investigate. If it were sensitive information it wouldn’t be in the public domain. Your choice.
  9. Twice asked for url of website so we can check it out. How do you know the site hasn’t been compromised.
  10. OK Many Thanks I assumed that the Lost & Found was a group that only contained new computers before they had the agent installed etc.
  11. Hi @MichalJ All computers have the Agent and Endpoint Antivirus installed and are updating accordingly and communicating with ESET Protect. All computers including servers are shown in Lost & Found as well as the respective Dynamic Groups i.e. Windows Desktops and Windows Servers. You will see from the screen shots that the Static group Lost & Found shown all the clients as does the Dynamic Windows Group. This is taken from an On-Prem ESET Protect console. Below is Lost & Found Below is Windows Computers
  12. Can you add the number of items in a Dynamic Folder alongside the folder name in a similar way that Lost & Found shows the number of clients. Relevant to both Protect Cloud and Protect On-Prem
  13. We run both Protect Cloud and Protect On-Prem for various clients, but in both environments all computers are shown in both the Lost & Found static group and also the relevant dynamic client group such as Windows Server and Windows Desktops. No matter what I do I cannot get the clients to disappear from Lost & Found. In both groups the clients show as FQDN for the local network such as pcname.mylocaldomain.com. All clients show the Group Name as Lost & Found even in the Dynamic Group they belong too. I have templates that move clients in to dynamic groups depending on whether the Agent is installed to not. But the Static group Lost & Found always shows all of the client computers. What am I missing?
  14. The use of TOMCAT in Eset products clearly states that that Juli is used and not log4j. It is irrelevant that TOMCAT can be configured to use log4j in this scenario.
  15. So instead of spouting irrelevance, suggest what they do for endpoints not under their control.
  16. I think it depends on which country you are in. I believe auto renewal applies to US and Canada, but not sure. Check your account https://support.eset.com/en/kb6205-manage-auto-pay-settings-for-your-eset-licenses-us-and-canada-customers-only https://www.eset.com/uk/auto-renewal-policy/
  17. Your license will need to be renewed in June 2022. You have purchased a 1 year license for your devices. Once expired updates will not work and you will not be fully protected.
  18. No the license starts the moment you purchase it. I don’t know any licensed product that allows you to delay the start date.
  19. Of course, why would it not. Windows doesn't deactivate on reboot. Even if it did, you have your license key to reactivate.
  20. Exactly as Marcos has said. Eset NOD32 does protect from various threats including ransomware, but there are alternative ESET products that have additional protection functions such as Network Protection against vulnerabilities in network protocols and V15 will add to that protection. So its your choice as to which you use. As for full protection, you can only protect yourself as best you can which including how you handle emails, links in emails and attachments to name a few..
  21. Wow, Norton360 comes with Crypto Mining, are they paying your power bill. I guess this is opt in, but how can such a program want to keep your PC active potentially increasing the chance of attack. i.e. the more uptime the more chances of being hit. If I buy an AV/Internet Security program the last thing I want is it running flat out when I'm not there.
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