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Posts posted by Marcos

  1. Since antivirus software is deeply integrated with the operating system, any upgrade to a newer version may potentially cause issues. For this reason, ESET has never rushed with program components updates and pushed them to users within a short time. ESET cares about safety of their customers and we will never take actions that might jeopardize the stability of users' systems.

  2. I'd suggest carrying on as follows:

    - enable debug logging in ERAS setup

    - stop the ERA server service

    - delete the ERA logs in C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Remote Administrator\Server\logs

    - temporarily set the time interval for connecting to ERAS on a troublesome Endpoint client to 0

    - start ERA server service


    If the client doesn't appear in ERAC, submit the logs from the aforementioned folder to Customer care for analysis. You can also upload them to a safe location and PM me the download link so that I can check them out.

  3. Of course these marketing statements must be taken with a grain of salt. Isn't it suspicious that popular rootkits / bootkits that died out a few years ago would be undetected by popular vendor after so long time? ESET basically protects against all of them but unfortunately it's not possible to verify them as the tester does not provide any useful information to other av vendors.

  4. sorry OOT.

    In ESS 7 beta, how can I set HIPS to only block files on root drive for being deleted (but the child folders are permitted) ?

    should I set the HIPS rules like this: block D:\*\*.*


    This is probably not possible, wildcards in this form are not supported. I was unable to accomplish it either.


    encrypted SSL on https://forum.eset.com is being untrusted by ESS 7.0.104 beta :huh: , is that normal condition, guys?


    It works fine for me. Please post the warning you're getting and let us know what browser and its version you use. Try the following:

    - with web browsers and email clients closed, disable SSL scanning

    - enable SSL scanning

    - launch the browser

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