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Personal Firewall flooded with IP packet messages

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I upgraded from Eset Internet Security v.9 fo v.10 and since then my log is being flooded with messages suchs as these:

Time;Event;Source;Target;Protocol;Rule/worm name;Application;User
30/10/2016 18:47:58;Unknown IP packet version;;;0;;;
30/10/2016 18:47:58;Unknown IP packet version;;;0;;;
30/10/2016 18:47:59;Incorrect IP packet length;;;198;;;
30/10/2016 18:53:38;Unknown IP packet version;;;0;;;
30/10/2016 18:53:38;Unknown IP packet version;;;0;;;
30/10/2016 18:53:38;Unknown IP packet version;;;0;;;
30/10/2016 18:53:39;Unknown IP packet version;;;0;;;

Does anyone know what is going on, since I have reset my router and changed my IP address and still getting such log entries.


Some of the IP addresses are non existant when I look them up with nslookup.


ps: Whether I'm using default settings or changed network to "public" the result is the same.



Edited by mateusb
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I was not using any sort of VPN. I got those strange log entries for 2 days and no more. I suspect it was some software misconfiguration, I don't know.


Thank you all for the replies! 

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