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Push Install Endpoint Ant-virus each time Failed

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Hi , 


Im new to Eset Remote Administrator . My scenario is I can't push install of endpoint anti-virus to my costume outside my network. I find a way to install the ERA agent to with my external Ip address and I see the computer on my lost and found and Ican  restart the computer or push windows update but when I try to push a installation of endpoint antivirus I have a failed error each time in my client taks . Any help will be appreciate.



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  • ESET Staff

Hi , 


Im new to Eset Remote Administrator . My scenario is I can't push install of endpoint anti-virus to my costume outside my network. I find a way to install the ERA agent to with my external Ip address and I see the computer on my lost and found and Ican  restart the computer or push windows update but when I try to push a installation of endpoint antivirus I have a failed error each time in my client taks . Any help will be appreciate.


My guess is that you are using HTTP proxy and it is not accessible from outside of your network? Could you check AGENT configuration whether it is using HTTP proxy? What error do you see in Webconsole as last status of installation task?

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