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How to keep exclusions settings permanently


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I run nod 32 ver 8.0.319.0 on windows 7 ultimate

Nod is great piece of software but one thing simply driving me crazy with it...

I have microsoft office 2013 installed on this machine, i am using with it excel add on called "ablebits ultimate suite for microsoft excel", its a legit (and extremely popular software), it is absolutely not a virus or maleware, whatsoever.

For some reason, this addon is blocked by the antivirus and will not be loaded when i start excel.

So i add an exclusion for the addon path (see 2 screenshots attached) and after saving settings and relaunching excel - the addon will load perfectly.


The only problem is that I need to repeat this procedure EACH TIME I start excel, the settings are not saved in the antivirus exclusions permanently, they are saved there only until the next time i restart the computer.


What should I do in order to keep these exclusions settings PERMANENTLY for heaven's sake??






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Maybe you don't have permissions to save settings but in that case you should get an error after clicking OK. Are other settings saved alright? Could you post a complete record with the add-on detection from the Detected threats log?

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Thanks for your quick reply,


Permissions? I think I have full permissions, I don't get any error message, and like i said, after saving the exclusion path everything work fine and the excel add on load and work perfect. The only problem is that i need to repeat this (annoying) procedure each time i turn on the computer, otherwise the antivirus will prevent the add on from loading.


Other settings? if you refer to the settings on the excel add on end - the answer is yes, it is well checked with the software manufacturer and all settings are 100% right, in other words, the issue is for sure on the antivirus end.

Complete record with add on? we made a very short screen cast, click on the link below to see exactly how it looks on our end.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOLai9eB5DI (please set video quality to maximum and watch on full screen)



Detected threats log? I am not sure what is that.


Could you please help solving this issue??


Many thanks again,


Edited by Rebecca
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I meant if other ESET settings are preserved after clicking OK and re-opening the setup. For instance, you can try enabling detection of potentially unsafe applications and see if the setting stays enabled. At any rate, we'd need to analyze a Process monitor log so the best course of action would be contacting your local customer care.

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I already spent over 30 minutes over the phone with the local customer care in Israel, they could NOT help.

Please try to help me!

No, it seems that no other ESET settings are preserved after clicking OK, but if you want to be 100% sure just instruct me how to get a log file (via the antivirus program or via windows) and I will gladly do so.

Also, please look at the screen shot below, these are the general settings I see on my end, they are always the same, regardless if I click OK for exclusion or not. maybe it can give you a hint?


Edited by Rebecca
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This forum is not meant to be a replacement for customer care, it's rather a place where ESET's users and moderators share their knowledge. I'd suggest contacting your local customer care as further logs from Process monitor will be needed for analysis.

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