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Failed push install - interactive service error

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Eset remote admin console will not do a push install. It was working perfectly but someone came in and changed things and now I have no idea where to look to fix it. I can initiate the push install but the remote admin console just says "in progress" forever. It never actually does anything. On the target computer I see that a registry entry for Eset was created and the event viewer of the target computer shows an error at the time I initiated the push install. The error says:


The Eset remote installation service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly.


The client machines are all identical, from the same image. This was never an issue until this person made changes to the network. I can't imagine it's an issue with the client PC. After this person made changes the service that runs Eset remote admin console was no longer running because the password for it had been changed. I entered the new password and the Eset remote admin service started up. After that is when I realized I could not do a push install due to the interactive service error.


The Eset remote admin service has always been configured on its Log On tab to log on as an account and not use a local system account. I mention this because I notice that using Local System account has a checkbox that says allow service to interact with desktop. We've never used that option. We have a service account that we use to run the Eset remote admin service (this was the account that had the password changed which I fixed).


I'm stuck on this interactive service error though. I found a service on the client machines called Interactive Services. It was not running and was set to Manual start up. I turned it on, removed the Eset entry in Regedit, stopped and restarted the Eset remote admin service on the server and attempted a new push install. Same interactive service error on the client.

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  • ESET Moderators

If you turned on "interactive services" and it is still not pushing, you should work through the Knowledgebase article ESET Remote Administrator Push Installation Requirements and Checklist. If you're not sure which settings were changed, this checklist may help you find it. Be sure to include the DNS Issues troubleshooting section at the bottom during your check.


If you are still experiencing this issue after going through the checklist, contact ESET Customer Care.

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I started another push install and it just says "in progress" for over two hours. I went home. When I came back the next day it was installed. WTH? It used to take about 15 maybe 30 minutes tops to push this. The install still doesn't work correctly though. I have to manually add the update server settings and the remote admin settings on the client. It also installs the "default" policy instead of the actual one that has our license. We have a policy made that all the clients use but for some reason they don't install with it now. I can manually fix those problems each time but I don't know why it's not working now when it used to.


Also, if it means anything, when I've fixed those problems the client still won't update virus definitions. It says "Cannot connect to server" even though the settings are correct and the client and server can ping each other. If I leave it alone and do nothing after a long enough time the client begins updating it's definitions.


I'm starting to think part of the problem is the network itself. Communication between the Eset server and the clients must be . The package that was created for push installs must be made wrong since it's not passing on the correct policy and is using the default one instead.


I sort of inherited this thing. My only responsibilty was doing push installs on new machines. I did not run the server nor did I create it. I do not know how it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...



  I couldnt agree more that the settings aren't passing over due to creation issues. I also agree that the connection needs to be looked at. I would recommend deleting all the current installation tasks and restarting the Eset Remote Administrator service in your services snap-in (Start>Run>Services.msc) and then reconnect and attempt a push again.


If this fails for the installation opver the network issue, I am going to send tyou contact info to reach our business support team so we can assist.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd be interested to know if this was ever resolved.  I have the same issue.  I was able to push to an XP machine once I disabled Windows Firewall, but my Win7 machines all give me the "Interactive Service" error.  I've tried the checklists and all the solutions described above, but to no avail.  I submitted a ticket to ESET support, but the only response I got was an e-mail from ESET Switzerland saying that my request had been erroneously routed to them, and I should try contacting ESET in my own country.  I like this product, but this experience is leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

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  • Administrators

I have the same issue.  I was able to push to an XP machine once I disabled Windows Firewall, but my Win7 machines all give me the "Interactive Service" error.

This would happen if the ERAS service was not running with efficient permissions. Under what account is your ERAS service running?


I submitted a ticket to ESET support, but the only response I got was an e-mail from ESET Switzerland saying that my request had been erroneously routed to them, and I should try contacting ESET in my own country.

Since your license was purchased in the USA, to contact the US Customer care, fill in the form hxxp://www.eset.com/int/support/contact.
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  • 3 months later...

We have had the same problem on one machine running Windows 8.1

Our problem was that the install routine from Eset has "found" an other Virusscanner on the pc, but effectively there wasn't anyone.

After we have found out what kind of virusscanner was installed in the past on this machine, we run a "clean" tool for totally removing anything that was coming from the old virusscanner.


And after this steps, the remote push works fine.

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