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ERA6 Web Control

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I'm having problems with ERA 6 and Endpoint Security client web control.


Under policies I have selected Web and Email >> Web Control >> Integrate into system and created a simple category group which essentially contains everything under adult materials (eg porn, child abuse, etc...).


I have confirmed that the policy has been applied to endpoints.


The check I carried out was to type "porn" into google and to open the first four links. All opened sucessfully indicating that the block list was not being applied.


I added a url block for hxxp://sextv1.pland ensured this was applied. On checking this rule functioned as expected.


Is there another step I need to take to have the category group applied?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Maybe there's a problem receiving DNS responses from ESET's servers. Please create a Wireshark log with all communication logged while attempting to open a website that should be blocked by a category rule.

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There are no attempts to contact ESET's server, there should be DNS queries like "DNS Standard query TXT www.facebook.com.fbo5l4idkltng6t7.a.a.e5.sk".

I assume v6 is activated and updates from ESET's servers fine. Could you confirm?


Also make sure that a firewall doesn't block access to the following servers:


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