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Login failed: ESET Protect: unable to connect to the server

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I’m experiencing issues with accessing the ESET Inspect web console. The error message I receive is: "Login failed: ESET Protect: unable to connect to the server."

I've confirmed that the connection is established both ways between the PROTECT Server and the INSPECT Server. There haven't been any configuration changes on my end. The only recent modifications were updates to Java and Apache on the PROTECT Server, but I was able to connect after these updates without any issues.

This problem seemed to appear out of nowhere. Initially, I encountered 404-Not Found errors on the Inspect web console. After restarting the Inspect server, the error changed to the current login failure.

Any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.



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  • ESET Staff

As the issue is already resolved, it may be hard to confirm the actual cause.  But I suspect that the Protect server needed its services restarted and by upgrading apache, it forced the web services to be restarted and sorted out the issue.  If you ever run into this issue again, I would suggest the following steps:

  1. Stop the Inspect service
  2. Go to the Protect server and restart the Protect service and Apache service
  3. Start the Inspect service
  4. Test logins to both Protect and Inspect

It is rare to see the issue you ran into, but these steps should help correct a hiccup.  If the problem keeps reoccurring, I would recommend contacting support so that diagnostic logging can be enabled in both Protect/Inspect and then logs can be gathered to help find the source of the issue.

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Hey James,

I didn't say anywhere that the issue is already resolved. I just said that it changed from "404-Not Found" to "Login failed: ESET Protect: unable to connect to the server". I have already opened a ticket with your support group which is progressing very slowly and I cannot sign in to the console at all, that's why I opened a topic here. By the way your suggestion didn't solve the Login failed issue.



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