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ESET Questions

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So I have a couple questions to do with ESET detections.

- Where are the quarantined files stored?

- Does ESET only flag up detections it cant handle itself... like it couldn't clean the file? or if its not sure if the thing in question is a virus?

- is there some knowledge base with all the different types of detections and advisory action? 

was also wondering

- Does ESET endpoint antivirus update itself if the device is on? or does it require the user to be signed in? 

- How does the update process work... what exactly can go wrong?

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Quarantined files are stored in particular profiles, e.g. "C:\Users\%USER%AppData\Local\ESET\ESET Security\Quarantine"

Any threats or potentially unsafe / unwanted applications are detected and reported.

A list of detection types can be found in the glossary at https://help.eset.com/glossary/en-US/trojan_horses.html.

ESET products check for newer updates in 1 hour interval by default. Pico (streamed) updates are downloaded every few minutes. Since ekrn.exe runs as a service, no user has to be signed in for update to work.

30 minutes ago, M T said:

- How does the update process work... what exactly can go wrong?

As long as you update directly from ESET's servers and a firewall is not blocking the communication of ekrn.exe, there should be no problems with update. If you connect through a proxy server for instance, update would fail if the proxy is not running or if it's not configured properly.

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