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After VA (Rocky) Migration, cant login with SSH

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Good morning, 

im facing an issue after successfully migrating CentOS to Rocky. despide activating remote management on the appliance (webmin is working), i just cant login via SSH as root. i always get an "access denied" error. the password im using is correct. i already tried to change it via webmin, but still get an access denied/permission denied. i tried different maschines and different SSH applications.

did i miss something? do i have to enable anything else before being able to SSH into the new ESET Protect server?

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With Rocky Linux the usernames changed for Webmin/SSH access.

For Webmin it's root.
For SSH it's admin.

Seems like that's the reason, since you mentioned root

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Hi !

The "admin" account in ssh does not have root rights by default?

When trying to copy a file to my appliance with the "admin" account I got a permission error !

 Thanks for your help

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I have 2 questions, first, how I can connect with the "root" account using ssh, I thought the password was the same but apparently not!

Secondly, I cannot copy files to my appliance using the "admin" account, which account should I use?


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Root login over ssh is quite dangerous and typically isn't enabled. You can ssh using 'admin' and use sudo. If You are sure to change this, simple search 'how to enable ssh root login' will help.

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