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Restore notifications (not admin)

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I have Esset Endpoint Antivirus installed on my laptop. 
After a desktop notification, I mistakenly clicked on the pop-up, disabling notifications from then on.
To restore notifications, It's needed to access to the advanced setup menu, but I'm not an admin (I haven't the password).
So, It's possibe to dissable the notifications, but it's not posible to restored them if you are not an admin?

Can desktop notifications be restored without an admin password?

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Re-enabling desktop notifications in the advanced setup doesn't require administrator permissions:


However, it could be that an administrator has protected advanced setup with a password so you cannot change any settings without knowing the password.

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Thank you very much for your answer, Marcos. 

Indeed, the administrator protected advanced setup with a password. It's paradoxical that a user can disable notifications just clicking in a pop-up (without having access to the advanced setup), but cannot reenable them.

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2 minutes ago, John Doe Doe said:

It's paradoxical that a user can disable notifications just clicking in a pop-up (without having access to the advanced setup)

I have done so on more than one occasion by accident. Believe the disable setting should have a confirmation prompt to avoid this.

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7 hours ago, itman said:

I have done so on more than one occasion by accident. Believe the disable setting should have a confirmation prompt to avoid this.

I can't see how to disable desktop notifications by accident. You have to select Manage notifications in the notification menu which opens the advanced setup and there you would have to disable the setting and click OK.

@John Doe Doe what version of ESET Endpoint do you use? In v11 desktop notifications can be disabled only in the advanced setup.

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7 hours ago, Marcos said:

can't see how to disable desktop notifications by accident.

See below screenshot. When multiple notification exist, the "Hide notifications of this type" was enabled. If selected, no more notifications; at least the was the case in prior Eset versions. Since the option is immediately below the "Close all notifications," it is easily to mouse click by mistake.


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Posted (edited)

@Itman, that's exactly what happened to me. Now I no longer receive notifications.

It's illogical that an action that compromises security of your device, such as not being informed of risks, can be made easily by mistake (without confirmation prompt), but esset interface doesn't let you undo it unless you're a system administrator. 

Edited by John Doe Doe
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What notifications did you disable via the menu?

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To disable notifications forever, clicking on the pop-up is only needed (like the itman image shows). To reactivate them is when you need to have access to the administrator menu.  


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Posted (edited)

I really don't see "the big deal" here with adding a notification disable UAC-like confirmation prompt here for all Eset versions. In my opinion, it should have been included from the start. Alternatively, just eliminate the option.

Edited by itman
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