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Virustotal results, false positive?

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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it’s.net 8 console application project, scanned the whole project and the answer is worrying me

before putting the files in virustotal i scanned them using my eset on my pc , didn’t detect anything and livegrid didn’t detect anything

Any one who understands, can you help me ?

Can you analyze and tell me if they are really malware or false positive?

Here are the urls: 1. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0a5682c0b12af7a2f8318c571251a55f486f2bf62eb3fafe65d855a826236e3b (.rar file , the whole project) 2. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ed79befa9d697ba631c65771ed1df7b936b5653b1322a76ffef8fab5837cdb7a (it‘s a dll file from the project)

Also here from hybrid analysis https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/ed79befa9d697ba631c65771ed1df7b936b5653b1322a76ffef8fab5837cdb7a

Help me please, anyone who knows how to read the analysis of virustotal or hybrid analysis

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If it's an application that you have created, it's almost certainly an FP. You can submit it it to MaxSecure as a possible FP.

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1 minute ago, Marcos said:

If it's an application that you have created, it's almost certainly an FP. You can submit it it to MaxSecure as a possible FP.

Actually a friend made the project, and his pc maybe (don’t know for sure) infected


thats why I scanned, can you help me and analyze that ?


if you can, thank for very very much for the help 

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