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Cdpo ransomware

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In order to determine the variant of ransomware, please provide:
1, A couple of encrypted files (ideally Office documents)
2, The ransomware note with payment instructions
3, Logs collected with ESET Log Collector assuming that you have an ESET license and ESET was installed at the time of encryption.

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Some additional ways partial data recovery might be possible;


Some victims state that they've successfully restored a part of encrypted data using PhotoRec tool developed by CGSecurity (Christophe Grenier). You can download this tool from CGSecurity's official website.

Now it is worth noting that Djvu ransomware does not encrypt the entire file. Instead, it encrypts only a portion (start) of the file, thereby making it unusable. Luckily, in some cases it is possible to restore other part of the file, which is not encrypted. This is useful when it comes to audio/video files, because even though the start won't be restored, you'll still be able to use most of it.

To restore audio/video data we advise you to use Media_Repair tool developed by DiskTuna. This tool is extremely simple and completely free. You can find the user manual as well as download the tool directly from DiskTuna's website.


Edited by itman
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