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Two questions about the ESET Protect console

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Hi team, good afternoon!

I'm trying to understand better this solution, and I'm having 2 specific questions.

1- Can I modify the policy por only one user? For example, an executive wants to access to certain website, but I don't want to create a whole new policy for him, nor create an exclusion for all the computers responding to this policy. May I modify only the policy hitting HIS computer?


2- How can I "clean" alerts that have already been solved? For example, there's an endpoint which is connected to the server and whatnot, but the console shows that there's no connection since like 2 weeks ago. How can I mark this as solved?


Thanks in advance, and regards!

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1, You can assign a policy only to a particular user or static group with that user in it. Also it's possible to temporarily override policy by activating override mode on the client.

2, Those should be updated automatically the next time a client connects to the PROTECT server. I'd recommend raising a support ticket if there's a problem.

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