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Disk encryption


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buen día, podrían ayudarme con un cifrado de disco.... Estoy intentando cifrar el disco de las máquinas que están en mi red con eset protect a través de las políticas. Creo la regla designa el equipo pero cuando voy a la pc a ver si cifro el disco aparece sin cifrar… el proceso en nod no arrojó ningún error debería estar cifrado… podrían darme una mano para solucionalo desde ya gracias 


Machine translation:

Could you help me with disk encryption... I am trying to encrypt the disk of the machines that are on my network with eset protect through the policies. I create the rule designates the computer but when I go to the PC to see if I encrypt the disk it appears unencrypted... the process in nod did not throw any error it should be encrypted... could you give me a hand to solve it now thanks

Edited by Marcos
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  • Marcos changed the title to Disk encryption
  • ESET Staff

Hi @marcelo603,

Would you mind grabbing the following log from an affected machine and sending it to me please:


It might be simple that I can inform you as to what to do via the forum, but may need further investigation via a ticket if not. But I will advise you once I have had a look.

Thank you,

Kieran Stainton

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