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ERA V6 Software Install Client Task Doesn't Start

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I've been setting up ERA V6 and am testing installing V6 client on a remote Win7 system.  It appears to be set up correctly but it won't start.  The system I'm installing to already has Eset V5 installed but doesn't have the V6 agent installed.  I've tried installing on a client that has V5 with the V6 agent installed already and that didn't work either.


Any help would be much appreciated.



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  • ESET Moderators

Hello macphail,
In order to perform remote installation of ESET Endpoint v6 product, or in order for it to connect to ERA, the client must have the ERA Agent installed. Endpoint v6 does not communicate to ERA, only the Agent does.

If the installation of v6 over existing v5 failed, you can treat it as a regular installation issue, i.e. check the installation logs for a specific error, or contact your local ESET support team.

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