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Mails with images

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All messages with embedded images are getting score 50, and Reason is "Non-specific spam indicator (100%)".

I made an experiment, and same mail without signature (which contains logo) got score of 2, while with signature it gets 50 and Non-specific spam indicator.


Exchange's default SCLJunkTreshold is 5, so result is that all mails with signatures goes to junk folder.

Is there any way to prevent this? I have raised SCLJunkTreshold to 6 and created a workaround, but it would be much better to explain to Mail Security that messages with images are not spam by default...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello DocTonza,


“Non-specific spam indicator” is the designation used for emails that are detected as spam by the Mail Security anti-spam heuristics. There is no way to adjust this detection directly. To address this issue, please ensure you are on the latest version of ESET Mail Security. For your reference on this procedure, please see this ESET Knowledgebase article.


If Mail Security is still automatically assigning a score of 50 to all emails with a signature, please adjust the automatic configuration for Mail Security. To change Mail Security’s automatic configuration, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open ESET Mail Security by clicking Start -> All Programs -> ESET -> ESET Mail Security -> ESET Mail Security.
  2. Press F5 on your keyboard to open Setup.
  3. Expand Antispam protection, click Antispam engine and then click Setup.
  4. Click Options, and then on the right-hand side of the window, change the value for "Automatic configuration" to "Focus on minimizing FP".
  5. Click OK, then click OK again to save your changes.

Thank you,


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