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Blue screen in reinstallation

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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when i unistall internet security from control panel, blue screen apeared.

Now i used ESETUNISTALLER.EXE in safemode and i removed that version completely but when i want to reinstall any verion of internet security , blue screen apears in intallation progress . what should i do?

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Please check if a memory dump is generated during BSOD. By default it should be located in c:\windows\memory.dmp. If exists, compress it, upload it to a safe location and drop me a personal message with a download link.

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You can remove some RAM modules and so reduce the amount installed RAM prior to generating a dump. How much RAM do you have? What's the size of a compressed dump?

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Please try updating the driver plcsimlwf.sys, the one you have is from 2019. If you don't need the software that uses it, uninstall it.

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