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Guest Adnan

Hi ,  one of the endpoints in our network , has been exploited by CVE-20211079 while eset components were there and latest version  is using by latest update .  the problem is that even EDR components are installed on the machine and no notification received, can anyone assist.  

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At https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2021-1079 there's only a quite generic description of the CVE: NVIDIA GeForce Experience, all versions prior to 3.22, contains a vulnerability in GameStream plugins where log files are created using NT/System level permissions, which may lead to code execution, denial of service, or local privilege escalation. The attacker does not have control over the consequence of a modification nor would they be able to leak information as a direct result of the overwrite.

It is not clear if all plugins are affected and if there's a PoC available. To me it looks as though a Vulnerability & Patch management product should take care of it.

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Also note that nVidia released another NVIDIA GeForce Experience vulnerability notice w/patch update in January, 2023 assigned as CVE‑2022‑42291, CVE‑2022‑31611, and CVE‑2022‑42292: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5384 . This appears to have functional similarities to CVE-2021-1079. As such, it may have not been fully patched with the prior update issued for this.

Edited by itman
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Guest Adnan

thanks for replies, the question is that  , considering this fact that it is related to Patch management  service ,  when a system is being exploited , does EDR technology should be able to log , detect and response or not ?

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6 hours ago, Guest Adnan said:

considering this fact that it is related to Patch management  service

Here's a reference to Eset Vulnerability & Patch Management feature: https://www.eset.com/int/business/solutions/vulnerability-patch-management/ . As I interpret the feature, its purpose is to detect if a known vulnerability exists; inform of this fact; and auto apply if possible, any update patches available. I see nothing in this feature that would prevent exploiting of a known unpatched vulnerability.

It appears to me that in regards to this CVE-2021-1079 exploit, it "slipped though" Eset Endpoint and EDR detection. Most likely due to the fact that Eset wasn't aware that a POC existed for the vulnerability which would have been used as basis for behavior detection of exploit activities.

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