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Quarantine folder number not able to clear

Go to solution Solved by Fanzine,

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I have eset av 7 I ran a scan and when finished I found some virus's in the folder I cleared them all. I checked the tools area and noticed that 18 was still showing on the tools page. I opened the quarantine folder and it was empty. I ran a scan again no change. I completely uninstalled the program and reinstalled it the number still remains not sure how to zero out the count. Thanks for any help.

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Did you delete the files from quarantine using the ESET interface ? Or did you manually open the directory and delete them all using explorer manually?


If your quarantine is empty, the folder is empty, and there is still a number in the main menu. It may be a programming flaw that needs to be looked at.

Have you tried using the uninstaller in safe mode and then reinstalling ? After its finished, i would delete any remaining folders in appdata\local\eset and programdata\eset, and ensure no registry objects are lingering, then do a clean install.

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Thanks I did remove the files from the interface box. I did run the clean uninstaller program. I did not look for any remaining folders, i will try that thanks.

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Most likely the files were quarantined under a different account. To remove all quarantined files for all accounts, search for *.ndf and *.nqf files in the c:\users folder and delete them manually.

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Thanks for the help. I have looked at every folder for quarantined files none found. I have uninstalled once more in safe mode using the clean up tool. Removed every ESET entry in registry and searched the whole computer for ESET folders and removed all of them. I re-installed a different version of ESET. And I have a 18 file number count showing on the tools area. The quarantined folder is empty. There must be a software problem or a left over registry entry that I cannot find. Thanks for any help with this. BTW I noticed another post similar to this that person called this the ghostly files. 

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Problem solved. I found several hidden accounts with an ESET folder in them. I deleted all those folders. I removed ESET completly. Then went into safe mode used the clean up tool. Searched for any traces of ESET. Rebooted back to normal and re-installed. No more left over quarantined files left in the log window. Thanks again.

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