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EFDE Decryption/Uninstallation Procedures


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I have a question, I don't know if it would fall under this forum and I apologize in advance.

I was reading the the guide for the EFDE about the Decryption/Uninstallation.
I would like to ask what if the device is not manageable on the ESET PROTECT Console. Like a scenario where the Agent was uninstalled and the device was removed from the ESET PROTECT Console, only the EFDE is retained then a problem where the device needs to be decrypted and the device can't get pass the Pre-boot login. 

Do I still need to use the ESET Recovery Media Creator without having to generate the efderecovery.dat?

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  • ESET Staff

Hi @razec06,

Upon deleting an EFDE Encrypted Workstation from the EP Console it does not delete the Recovery Data needed to generate a efderecovery.dat file.

Therefore you can still use the following article: https://help.eset.com/efde/en-US/recovery_data.html using the Workstation ID to create the efderecovery.dat file.

The Workstation ID is found at the bottom of the EFDE Pre-boot login screen.

Please note: EFDE can only be decrypted using the ESET Recovery Media Creator and the efderecovery.dat or via a decryption policy sent from the EP Console.

Thank you.


Edited by Kstainton
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