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Als ik heropstart krijg ik blauw scherm ,zodat ik eset niet kan uitvoeren ook niet in veilige modus,online scanner geeft 9 virussen weer,waaronder opencandy, adware,internet explorer fouten (google 1 via adwacleaner detectie) ..die bij opstart weer auto gereset worden ?

Wat te doen?


[08/31/14  05:45:44] Volume: C:\

[08/31/14  05:45:44] System Root: C:\Windows

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Program Files: C:\Program Files

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Program Files (x86): C:\Program Files (x86)

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Common files: C:\Program Files\Common Files

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Common files (x86): C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Common application data folder: C:\ProgramData

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Common programs folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Device path folder: C:\Windows\inf

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Drives mapping:

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Current Letter: C Native Letter: C


[08/31/14  05:45:44] Building cache: 64bit COM: AppID -> DllName ... 

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Building cache: 64bit COM: Category -> ReferenceCounter ... 

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Building cache: 32bit COM: AppID -> DllName ... 

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Building cache: 32bit COM: Category -> ReferenceCounter ... 

[08/31/14  05:45:44] Scanning installed AV products ...


[08/31/14  05:45:45] Installed AV products:

[08/31/14  05:45:45] 1. SEP


[08/31/14  05:45:45] Enter sequence number of AV product to uninstall and press ENTER (hint: to abort press 'q'): 1


[08/31/14  05:46:26] Are you sure to uninstall SEP from this OS? (y/n): 


[08/31/14  05:47:06] ERROR! Unknown option!



[08/31/14  05:47:06] Log file location: "C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\~ESETUninstaller.log"


[08/31/14  05:47:06] Press any key to exit ...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Graag U opinie.

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  • Administrators

It seems that Symantec remnants were detected and you didn't respond with Y (yes) or N (no) when prompted to remove them.

Also please kindly use English in this forum so that moderators can understand you without the need to use a translator. If you don't speak English, use a translator and copy & paste English translation here.

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