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ESET not working through Palo Alto firewal

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Guest guest54321



I am having an issue using ESET with our Palo Alto firewall. Whenever we register a new device on our company network, the device doesn't show up on the cloud, nor can we manage it unless the device is on a different network. I assume our Palo Alto firewall is blocking it.

Does anyone have an idea as to which steps I should take to fix this?


Kind regards

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  • Administrators

Do you mean that a client doesn't appear in the ESET PROTECT Cloud console? Unfortunately you've posted anonymously and didn't provide more information about the ESET product that you have a problem with.

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Please provide C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\status.html from a troublesome client.

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Guest guest54321

Status log

Scope Time Text
Configuration 2021-Apr-13 10:07:45 Product configuration:
  • Use of HTTP proxy for ESET services is disabled
  • Use of HTTP proxy for replication is disabled
  • Repository hostname is: AUTOSELECT
  • Update server is set to: AUTOSELECT with "regular" update type
Dynamic groups 2021-Apr-13 10:37:08 Device is not member of any dynamic group
Last authentication 2021-Apr-13 12:34:37 Enrollment failed with error: Request: Era.Common.Services.Authentication.RPCEnrollmentRequest on connection: host: "esmc.fhwg.be" port: 2222 with proxy set as: Proxy: Connection: :3128, Credentials: Name: , Password: ******, Enabled:0, EnabledFallback:1, failed with error code: 14, error message: Connect Failed, and error details:
Last replication 2021-Apr-13 12:34:32 ERROR: InitializeConnection: Initiating replication connection to 'host: "esmc.fhwg.be" port: 2222' failed with: GetAuthenticationSessionToken: Failed to fetch device session token in time
  • Replication details: [Task: CReplicationConsistencyTask, Scenario: Automatic replication (REGULAR), Connection: esmc.fhwg.be:2222, Connection established: false, Replication inconsistency detected: false, Server busy state detected: false, Realm change detected: false, Realm uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Sent logs: 0, Cached static objects: 0, Cached static object groups: 0, Static objects to save: 0, Static objects to delete: 0, Modified static objects: 0]
  • All replication attempts: 23
Peer certificate 2021-Apr-13 10:07:45 OK
  • Agent peer certificate with subject 'CN=Agent at *, OU=Tech, O=FHWG, S=Belgium, C=BE' issued by 'CN=Server Certification Authority, OU=Tech, O=FHWG, S=Belgium, C=BE' with serial number '010e081b7365c84883a985531720f4c6e701' is and will be valid in 30 days
Policies 2021-Apr-13 10:07:45 Device has no policies assigned
Product 2021-Apr-13 10:07:43 Product install configuration:
  • Product type: Agent
  • Product version: 8.0.1238.0
  • Product locale: en_US


Indicator Value
Up time 02:26:54
Memory private usage 19 MB
Available physical memory 10163 MB

Generated at 2021-Apr-13 12:34:37 (2021-Apr-13 14:34:37 local time)

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  • Administrators

Based on the server address I assume that the agent doesn't connect to an ESET PROTECT Cloud server but to an ESET PROTECT server (on-premise).

By the way, you have posted in the Quick questions forum and what we are dealing with is not a quick question. You can sing up for this forum and post in the appropriate product forum, however, I'd also strongly recommend opening a ticket with your local ESET distributor.

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