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Eset Security Management Center two site diffrent access


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We have created two site admin access in Eset Security Management Center but issue is both site admin can see policy each other it is possible or there is way like both admin cannot see each site policy but they can create there own policy without restrict

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Did you set a correct home group for each of the users? Are policies assigned to the All group with propagation to lower groups or different policies are applied to each of the static groups?

Are access rights set correctly for each of the users? Aren't both set to All group?


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both side create different policy but issue is they can see each other policy and they can delete if i can put restriction they cannot create policy can you please help me how to fix this issue all is done except policy

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15 minutes ago, Saifuddinit said:

both side create different policy but issue is they can see each other policy and they can delete if i can put restriction they cannot create policy can you please help me how to fix this issue all is done except policy

Do you mean to create an Administrator user with limited powers?

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We have 2 Account 1 admin has full access all group and another admin has only  custom1 static group access and also  and this permission all group we have given limit access if we will not give all group access they cannot create task,installer,policy etc but issue is now all thing are sort out except policy ,admin2 can see admin 1 policy and delete also there any solution we can give admin 2 access they see only his policy not all

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3 hours ago, Marcos said:

Did you set a correct home group for each of the users? Are policies assigned to the All group with propagation to lower groups or different policies are applied to each of the static groups?

Are access rights set correctly for each of the users? Aren't both set to All group?


3 hours ago, Nightowl said:

Do you mean to create an Administrator user with limited powers?

We have 2 Account 1 admin has full access all group and another admin has only  custom1 static group access and also  and this permission all group we have given limit access if we will not give all group access they cannot create task,installer,policy etc but issue is now all thing are sort out except policy ,admin2 can see admin 1 policy and delete also there any solution we can give admin 2 access they see only his policy not all and if i will not add all group in ADMIN2  it will show error Unable to save data: No access


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  • ESET Staff

Security mechanisms for policies works the same as with computers for example, i.e. there is the same hierarchy-based security model.

  • In case AdminA has full administrative access to group All, this admin will be able to see and manage all objects, regardless of where they are placed or whom they were created.
  • In case AdminB has access to only group "Subgrup", only objects that are placed in this group, and it's subgroup should be visible. But note that user can have multiple permission sets, which are combined, so it is crucial to verify that permission set that grants this user access to policies is limited to specific static group. Once correctly set, AdminB should not see all policies created by AdminA.

In case it still wont work, please provide us some screenshots of permissions configuration of those users, and possibly some basic example of object and its placement in hierarchy, so that we can check whether expected configuration is even feasible.


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