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I noticed when doing a computer scan either by clicking on scan computer or going in an doing a in depth scan an clicking on wmi database and system registry.  I notice in event viewer that there was a 3 Microsoft Security Client errors and a Perflib error after the scan is finished.  I don't see those errors any other time.  Here is a screenshot of my event viewer




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If your Win WMI event log only contains a few error after running an Eset default scan, consider yourself one of the few fortunate ones. My log after the scan contains pages of errors. Assumed one log entry for each WMI component Eset scanned.

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7 minutes ago, Purpleroses said:

These errors show up under application event viewer after a Eset scan!!

Well ..... yes. Eset also scans a few WMI entries with its startup scanning processing. This results in a handful of errors each time its done.

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