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Will Smart Security 8 provide support for XP units?

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In our small business we are tyed to an old database program. That only has a upgrade path to a complete re-read programs. Cost would be too high. We need to stick with XP, probably even if we need to take XP unit off internet. :(  Will Eset provide some protection for us in the future?? I know it would not be as good as windows patchs and Eset. But, at least some protection.





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Hello,  :)


Yes the V8 product line-up will work on Win XP.


While Microsoft may have ended its support of Windows XP that does not mean that other companies have as well. ESET realizes that not all of our own customers are able to upgrade to newer versions of Windows, and has committed to supporting Windows XP until at least April 30, 2017 (and possibly even beyond that, depending on how many of you are still on XP then).



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Even if newer versions didn't support Windows XP, you could stick with v7 or whatever that supports it. Even the old v3 is still supported in terms of updates.

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Even if newer versions didn't support Windows XP, you could stick with v7 or whatever that supports it. Even the old v3 is still supported in terms of updates.

Oh now that's a huge question mark right there.  :huh: 

As usual I think you know something that we don't, well it would be weird if you didn't of course  :D  ;)

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Even if newer versions didn't support Windows XP, you could stick with v7 or whatever that supports it. Even the old v3 is still supported in terms of updates.

Oh now that's a huge question mark right there.  :huh:

As usual I think you know something that we don't, well it would be weird if you didn't of course  :D  ;)


I was theoretically thinking about version XX that will be released one day in a couple of years that might require a functionality not supported in Windows XP. In such case, one will still be able to use an older version of the product that fully supports it. On the other hand, ESET now supports even archaic systems starting with Windows NT and Windows 2000, although with limited functionalities and also all product versions, starting with v3 even if v7 is available now.

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I see. And yes of course, the backwards support/compatibility has always been a strong point. It was just the "even if" that sounded a little mysterious. As V8 was the version the OP asked about wich is why I was unsure about what  "Even if newer versions didn't support Windows XP" really meant, as newer version does include V8 and every version there after.

I guess we'll see on the release day for BETA 1 wich OS's that V8 works on. :)

Edited by SweX
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