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About LouisH

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    South Africa
  1. Good Day All, I trust you are well. We have Setup Eset cloud office security,It works fine however when mails are quarantined we would like a mail to be sent to the recpient to let them know. We have setup the policy to notify mailbox owener but nothing happens.
  2. Hi All, Issue has been resolved. The Computers hard drive was so slow it could not get the policies before timing out.
  3. Good day members, I trust you are well. We have 3 computers which runs NVR / Camera software. On one of these stations the cameras stopped connecting.We uninstalled the eset and found that the cameras started working again.Which is weird since all 3 have the exact same policies connected to them.We reinstalled eset endpoint and allowed all Firewall traffic but still no connection to the cameras. I have no idea what part of eset is blocking the connection as i have turned of the Eset firewall completly and still Eset is blocking the cameras.The other to stations is still working fine. I found nothing wrong in the logs. Any ideas would be highly appricaiated.
  4. Hi Guys, I trust you are well. We have setup a couple computers with the rogue scanners. However it also shows computers that have the Agent and the Endpoint Security installed under the rogue section. Please see the attached
  5. Hi Marco, It is true the the Ignore exlusions was enabled in the scheduled scan. I did how ever changed the policy but its still being picked up as an detection. Any other ideas Please see the screenshot.
  6. Good day members. I trust you are well. Please assist. We keep on getting the same detections. Hash 4D4BCC24B8E1389AE12930024E790786617826C0 Name EFI/CompuTrace.A Detection Type Potentially unsafe application Object type File Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) file://///Uefi Partition/uefi:\\Volume 8\Firmware Volume Image {9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792}\Volume 1\Application {821ACA26-29EA-4993-839F-597FC021708D} From what i read on the form this is due to the uefi bios. and the recomendation was to create an exclusion. I cant seem to get it to work. So every Tuesday eset does an scheduled scan. and every Tuesday these alerts pop up for every machine. Please find attached the screenshot of the exclusion that i created from the detection page.
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