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Anti Theft Issues

Go to solution Solved by MikeGiann,

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I have a 3 user licence and have set up the Anti-Theft on 3 computers. I was having issues with Outlook and wasn't sure  if Eset was the problem so I uninstalled and did some testing with Outlook. Problem with Outlook persisted so I re-installed Eset IS but when going to the website to setup Anti-Theft, when I click on this specific computer name, the initial status page is fine and shows the 5 stars but if I click on Activity, Optimizations, Messages or Settings, I get a message:

Sorry for the inconvenience, there was an error processing your request.
Back to main page...

Now I'm getting a message in Eset about Anti-Theft optimization warning.

The other 2 computers that I have get the same error message on the website when I click on Optimization but are fine when clicking on Settings or Messages.

Is this the right place for support or do I need to contact Eset support directly?


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There has been an outage since yesterday which prevented me from logging to my.eset.com and checking out the issue. I've just talked to developers and they are still working on it. Will keep you posted.

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Seems that the Anti-Theft website is  fixed, I was able to configure and optimize the anti-theft from the web and it works. Eset IS shows fully protected and no error messages.

Thanks for all the help.

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