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Cloud Administrator slow login and getting chunk errors when accessing elements

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I've logged a ticket with ESET support but is anyone else getting errors with ESET Cloud Administrator. Was extremely slow to login and then unable to access anything in the portal, am getting chunk errors,



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Thanks Marcos, good to know it's been picked up. In future is there a status page I could check?

Kind regards,


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Same problem here with Eset Cloud Administrator.... 4 days  delay and errors..... we have 500 users with firewalls and policies..... i m very disappointed with ECA...... it is not stable...

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Another day, another incredibly slow system.

I called last week regarding the slowness of the cloud and was advised it would be sorted. Indeed, several hours later it was fixed.

Alas, today, same issue. Slow to login and then missing chunks of the screen.

Can you guys not create a status page for us to check?

Don't want to have to wait on the phone to get through to someone for another 10 - 20 minutes each time.

Only joined the cloud last week and have to admit I'm not really impressed. 2 outages in less than 4 days...


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Also just started migrating our users across to ECA - worked fine last week, can't sign in without errors this morning.

Any estimated time to fix? 

Do you have a status page somewhere, rather than relying on paying customers stumbling across a user forum that I had no idea that existed until 5 minutes ago ?

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I have trouble using ECA since thursday. Endless login times, site loading fails "Something went wrong, please try again later", permanent failures if you try to open a site... Is this a joke or what? They cant manage it to get this running again in 5 days? Opened a ticket, reply was: Try again later... Great! I need to roll out ESET on ~80 Computers on wednesday and i dont see a possibility to do this under these circumstances. It cant be true, that something that important like the ECA ist not running properly for that long!

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This is why I was concerned about going with the Cloud Administrator from any of the A/V vendors when we were doing demos. They were all pushing for the cloud admin. We instead went with the on-prem ESET Administrator and it has been up and working while the cloud admin has been having issues.

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Is ECA down again? Was working fine yesterday evening in the end but am once again unable to login.

As a NEW ECA customer who's just migrated our installs across for more flexibility than an on-prem service can offer, it's not what could be called a good start. 

We've happily used ESET products for YEARS. Starting to regret not looking around before renewing our licences again. 

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We are closely monitoring the situation 24/7. Recent issues were not on the backend, ie. ECA instances were working alright, reports were being generated by ECA, etc., the problem was with login. One of the things that might have contributed to the issues was as twice as high load in last 2 days than usual. It should be ok now after up-scaling the consoles and we continue with the investigation. If you've had a problem to log in recently, please try again and let us know about your findings.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We are committed to providing you with high service availability (https://help.eset.com/preview/esmcc/en-US/esmcc_availability.html) which is also why we continue with further investigation to prevent future outages.

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The problem is definitly not solved here. Some of the errors are still present... While working in ECA, suddenly everything fades to black, to surprise with a random error message after that: "Failed to load groups" "Data Source unavailiable" or getting logged out to wait an endless time until its possible to login again.... The last 20 Minutes it is completly impossible to login again... See the attached screenshots...

eset fehler 2.JPG

eset fehler 1.JPG

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Still quite horrible to work with ECA here... Had to roll out ~ 100 Endpoints yesterday... took me at least twice the time normally needed... Package download super slow, even manually downloading the .msi files from ESET took over half an hour for ~ 180mb.... rolling out the clients over ECA still impossible, had to use PDQ-Deploy to install the agents and the Endpoint security suite.

Defining policies, activating the licences... dont ask... errors, errors and more errors... 100 times reloading ECA, need to do some work 3 or 4 times, because it was not possible to save, because of logout errors...


ESET, get your sh1t together.... This is your super Cloud solution? Over one week barely availiable?

Personally i will check how it is possible to migrate from ECA to ESMC.... something like this must not happen to a company providing "safer technology"....

eset fehler 5.JPG

eset fehler 4.JPG

eset fehler 3.JPG

Edited by AlphaundOmega
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  • Administrators
1 hour ago, AlphaundOmega said:

Still quite horrible to work with ECA here... Had to roll out ~ 100 Endpoints yesterday... took me at least twice the time normally needed... Package download super slow, even manually downloading the .msi files from ESET took over half an hour for ~ 180mb.... rolling out the clients over ECA still impossible, had to use PDQ-Deploy to install the agents and the Endpoint security suite.

We are not currently observing any issues with performance. Given that also downloading installers is slow, we rather assume it to be a local connectivity problem with your ISP.  If you download bigger files from several various websites, is the download always much faster?

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Hello Marcos,

we tried downloading the .msi files from several different locations and had the same issue. All other downloads are working fine. Today working with ECA is still horrible... error messages over error messages...

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17 minutes ago, AlphaundOmega said:

we tried downloading the .msi files from several different locations and had the same issue. All other downloads are working fine.

Could you please generate a Wireshark pcap log while downloading an msi installer, stop logging after a while (at least 1 minute) and upload the log here?

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  • ESET Staff

@AlphaundOmega can you please share your ECA instance ID (you can find it in your EBA account, in HELP / ABOUT, under the terms of use as it seems that your issue is not related to general ECA issues, and might need deeper investigation. 


ECA ID.jpg

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