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Problem installing ESMC with MySQL

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Hi there,

I've got a bit of a problem installing ESMC on an old Win 2008 R2 x 64 Server.

I installed Mysql (first the current version - after finding out, that only 8.0.17 is supported I reverted back to that version).

Created a new era_db database and a user exactly as described here:


When the migration assistant tries to connect, I get the general database configuration problem error message.

In the log file I see the following:

MSI (c) (10:EC) [12:18:48:611]: Doing action: CA_DbCheckConnection
Aktion 12:18:48: CA_DbCheckConnection.
Aktion gestartet um 12:18:48: CA_DbCheckConnection.
MSI (c) (10:EC) [12:18:48:613]: Transforming table CustomAction.

MSI (c) (10:0C) [12:18:48:634]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\ADMINI~1.SBD\AppData\Local\Temp\5\MSI408B.tmp, Entrypoint: DbCheckConnection
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:491]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Custom action 'CheckStringWithRegex' ended.'. Its new value: 'INFO: Custom action 'DbCheckConnection' successfully initialized.'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:491]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting P_DB_CONNECTION_STATUS property. Its current value is '77702'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:491]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Custom action 'DbCheckConnection' successfully initialized.'. Its new value: 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_CONNECTION_STATUS' with value - '.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:492]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_CONNECTION_STATUS' with value - '. Its new value: 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_STATUS' with value - '.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:492]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_STATUS' with value - '. Its new value: 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_UPGRADE' with value - '.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:493]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_UPGRADE' with value - '. Its new value: 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_USE_FIRST_USER' with value - '.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:494]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_USE_FIRST_USER' with value - '. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'Installed' with value - '.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:494]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'Installed' with value - '. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_UPGRADE' with value - '.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:495]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_UPGRADE' with value - '. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_TYPE' with value - MySQL Server'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:495]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_TYPE' with value - MySQL Server'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_PRODUCT_NAME' with value - Server'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:495]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_PRODUCT_NAME' with value - Server'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_CONNECTORS_DIR' with value - C:\Users\ADMINI~1.SBD\AppData\Local\Temp\5\EsetRemoteAdminServer\{CBCEEE13-40FB-4BA9-B331-F76002D8FE2C}\'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:496]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_CONNECTORS_DIR' with value - C:\Users\ADMINI~1.SBD\AppData\Local\Temp\5\EsetRemoteAdminServer\{CBCEEE13-40FB-4BA9-B331-F76002D8FE2C}\'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_SCRIPTS_DIR' with value - C:\Users\ADMINI~1.SBD\AppData\Local\Temp\5\EsetRemoteAdminServer\{CBCEEE13-40FB-4BA9-B331-F76002D8FE2C}\Database'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:496]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_SCRIPTS_DIR' with value - C:\Users\ADMINI~1.SBD\AppData\Local\Temp\5\EsetRemoteAdminServer\{CBCEEE13-40FB-4BA9-B331-F76002D8FE2C}\Database'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_DRIVER' with value - MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:497]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_DRIVER' with value - MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_HOSTNAME' with value -'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:497]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_HOSTNAME' with value -'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_PORT' with value - 3306'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:497]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_PORT' with value - 3306'. Its new value: 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_PORT' with value - 3306'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:498]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_PORT' with value - 3306'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_NAME' with value - era_db'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:498]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_NAME' with value - era_db'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_ADMIN_USERNAME' with value - **********'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:498]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_ADMIN_USERNAME' with value - **********'. Its new value: 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD' with value - **********'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:499]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Successful GET property 'P_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD' with value - **********'. Its new value: 'INFO: (GetDatabaseServerConnectionStringWithoutEscape) Created connection string: 'Driver=MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver;Server=;Port=3306;User=******;Password={******};CharSet=utf8;NO_LOCALE=1;NO_SSPS=1;''.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:49:499]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: (GetDatabaseServerConnectionStringWithoutEscape) Created connection string: 'Driver=MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver;Server=;Port=3306;User=******;Password={******};CharSet=utf8;NO_LOCALE=1;NO_SSPS=1;''. Its new value: 'INFO: Entering function: void __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::TestConnection(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,class Era::Setup::Common::Database::Framework::ConnectOptions)'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:772]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Entering function: void __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::TestConnection(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,class Era::Setup::Common::Database::Framework::ConnectOptions)'. Its new value: 'INFO: Leaving function: void __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::TestConnection(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,class Era::Setup::Common::Database::Framework::ConnectOptions)'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:773]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Leaving function: void __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::TestConnection(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,class Era::Setup::Common::Database::Framework::ConnectOptions)'. Its new value: 'INFO: Entering function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionCommentOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:774]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Entering function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionCommentOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'. Its new value: 'INFO: DatabaseReader: Recycling current DB connection.'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:779]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: DatabaseReader: Recycling current DB connection.'. Its new value: 'INFO: Leaving function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionCommentOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:779]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Leaving function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionCommentOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'. Its new value: 'INFO: Entering function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:780]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Entering function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'. Its new value: 'INFO: DatabaseReader: Recycling current DB connection.'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:782]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: DatabaseReader: Recycling current DB connection.'. Its new value: 'INFO: Leaving function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:782]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: Leaving function: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseReader::GetVersionOfDbServer(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'. Its new value: 'INFO: SQL Database server version is '8.0.17', which is considered as SUPPORTED.'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:783]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: SQL Database server version is '8.0.17', which is considered as SUPPORTED.'. Its new value: 'INFO: DatabaseReader: Recycling current DB connection.'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'INFO: DatabaseReader: Recycling current DB connection.'. Its new value: 'ERROR: Execution test of long statement failed with exception: CMysqlCodeTokenExecutor: CheckVariableMaxAllowedPacket: Server variable max_allowed_packet value 4194304 Bytes is too low.'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:789]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding P_DB_CONNECTION_STATUS property. Its value is '77702'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:789]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. Its current value is 'ERROR: Execution test of long statement failed with exception: CMysqlCodeTokenExecutor: CheckVariableMaxAllowedPacket: Server variable max_allowed_packet value 4194304 Bytes is too low.'. Its new value: 'INFO: (SetProperty) Successful SET property 'P_DB_CONNECTION_STATUS' with value - 77702'.
MSI (c) (10!00) [12:18:50:793]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying P_LAST_LOG_MESSAGE property. It


Astonishingly the last message is somewhat truncated and the new value is smaller than the orignial one?

Obviously I set the max_allowed_packet=33M in the my.ini file of mysql.

Any ideas how to get the connection working?




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  • ESET Staff

Unfortunately from logs it seems that setting of max_allowed_packet=33M is not effective. Could you please check MySQL configuration and verify that:

  • that there are not two conflicting settings for max_allowed_packet
  • that max_allowed_packet=33M is placed in correct configuration sections? It has to be placed in sections that applied to MySQL server, not client.

Also be aware that changing configuration of MySQL requires service restart.

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