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Decrypt File

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I Have installed the Eset antivirus  server edition in Server 2008R2 yesterday attacked by ransomware DEVOS extension. Is there any tool to decrypt that files.


Leejaw Dangol

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It's FIlecoder.Phobos, however, files encrypted by this ransowmare cannot be decoded.

Please make sure that you have ESET File Security 7.1 installed on the server. Protect settings with a password and also make sure that RDP is secured in case you cannot disable it completely.

If you would like us to check the configuration of your system and ESET product, please email the following to samples[at]eset.com:
- logs collected with ESET Log Collector (ESET must be installed, activated and running)
- a handful of encrypted files
- the ransomware note with payment instructions.

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