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i am running under windows 8.1 pro 64bit.

i am the sole user of this computer and have ALL rights.


i wanted to try their smart security program but in the end i wanted to uninstall it.

now i can not delete it. it tells me "access is denied".

i have looked through the ownership parts and i have in all cases "full control".


i have uninstalled it using eset's uninstall tool where you have to run it in save mode ect...(even running in save mode in windows 8.1 is a drag..)


NO folder should be this hard to uninstall! ever!

if this does not get resolved i will never recommend it to anyone ever again. i never had the program but knew it was a good one doesn't take that much resources but if i need to get to a forum asking help to delete the folder then yeah.... 


if somebody has any better ideas they are more then welcome.

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Good day,


The reason you cannot delete the folder is because there are drivers contained therein that are tied to running services etc.

You could try checking to see if you still have any ESET services in Administrative Tools > Services.

Stop them, then try your delete.


However, manually deleting a folder is not the correct practice for removing programs, simply because deleting the folder does not remove the services or the registry entries; not to mention files in appdata etc.


I would then have to ask, did you have any errors in safemode when running the uninstaller tool ? Did it not say complete and reboot after ?

I would run the uninstaller tool one more time and take note of any errors or issues along the way.

Edited by Arakasi
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I'd suggest running the uninstall tool twice or even more times unless it reports that no security program has been detected. It seems that the HIPS driver is still loaded and protecting the ESET install folder.


PS: We would appreciate if you could share with us the reasons that led you to uninstalling ESET :)

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HIPS self-defense doing its job. :D

Sorry Okami for your removal issues.

What steps did you take to remove in the very beginning ? Programs and Features ?

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i have looked for servisec related to eset but did not find any.


as for the un-installment, i went to it like always, having windows delete it for me in the install/uninstall section.


then i saw the folder was still there containing data so i wanted to delete them then i stumbeled upon your security. so i looked on the internet and saw i needed your uninstallatin tool.


so i executed it once in safe mode with it finishing succesfully.


but it's still here. so i will try to run it again a few times and see what happend.


the reason i wanted to uninstall it is kinda complicated, i have this error screen poping up in the beginning sins i installed eset.

this one:  hxxp://fud.community.services.support.microsoft.com/Fud/FileDownloadHandler.ashx?fid=a94be38d-691b-446d-a078-43d796492c85 

and i have seen how to delete it but i do not have access to delete a certain regedit file and i am trying to see if eset is the cause of it.

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Chances are, that picture you posted, is a threat using explorer to run by way of launch and ESET possibly terminated the threat.

So now the malicious file can't run but returns an error instead.


This is not necessarily the case, but what i have seen in the past experiences.

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i see, but that means that if i manage to delete the eset folder, it will no longer be blocked and i will be able to delete it.


as for the uninstall tool, i ran it multiple times every time saying uninstall succesfull....

but it's still there.. and i still can't delete it.


any other ideas?

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Yes we will continue to assist.


Can you give us a screen shot of the directory you are trying to delete, or type the full path here.

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Thanks for providing that.

I was able to delete any REG_SZ string value in that section on my own registry without issues.

I'm afraid ESET might not be the cause of your unable to delete that particular string value.'


Having that key there is not default and definitely signs of infection or alteration.


Also, i was referring to which folder of ESET that you could not delete. :)

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i see. have any ideas about how to resolve it? sins that is basicaly the reason i uninstalled eset....


this is the folder C:\ProgramData\ESET

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ESET doesn't use nor protect the registry key shown in the screen shot unless you create a blocking HIPS rule manually. I'd say this is not related to ESET at all.

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i see, well i was just trying to see if eset caused it sins i got it the same day as i installed eset. that is all. i wasn't sure about it at all.

even so, deleting a folder should not be this difficult.

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i just did the uninstall tool one less time because well, desperate. it finally worked even though i did not change anything....

well, that is resolved, just gotta do it 10 times or so....


any way, if anyone could help with my annoying popup at start up i would be most grateful.

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Sometimes it's necessary to run the uninstall tool more times until no AV program is detected.

What pop-up are you getting now that ESET has been uninstalled completely?

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This pop-up window doesn't come from nor is caused by ESET. Does it pop up right after your start Windows? Perhaps an ESET SysInspector log would shed more light. Please create one and supply it to me via a personal message for perusal.

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There is something very wrong with the standard un-install method on Windows 8.1 update 1. The first time I removed it from desktop, I had to reinstall windows due to sata controller errors filling up event viewer and system freezes, I thought my motherboard was dying, I have had no similar errors since.

When I removed it from my laptop msiExec.exe stopped working, I managed to salvage that with the removal tool.

Both were removed from control panel.

Both were clean Windows installs with no other security software.

I am scared to try again.

May try the next build if it fixes the various other issues I was experiencing. 

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i have no time for the moment, will try these thinks out within a few hours and see what gives.

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@marcos i have the log from your software sent to you in a personal message.


@Arakasi, i have tried to take ownership but everytime  i try to it tells me i "access denied" as if there is another member that has taken all my rights.

Edited by okami
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@wrogg, thanks for trying any way.

i am looking with someone else now as well, if this person can't do it i give up.

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If there is a process or service in use, you will receive the access denied everytime.

You could try docking the drive and deleting the key with a different computer and registry editor then turning the computer back on after moving the hive.


This may then reveal an error on startup when the malicious content tries to load.

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