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Online Scanner Errors on Windows 7

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In an earlier thread "Online Scanner Errors" (now archived or I
would have Replied there), I described a problem where, in Windows
7, the Event Viewer shows 30 error messages every time I run
esetonlinescanner_enu.exe.  Marcos said "I'd suggest raising a
ticket with your local customer care."

I finally contacted ESET Support at
- I assume this is what Marcos meant.

As I expected, they only provide support for paying customers, so I
still don't know why all the error messages appear.

Is anyone else using the online scanner on Windows 7?  Do they see
these errors?

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Are you using the latest version,, downloaded from here: https://www.eset.com/int/home/online-scanner/ ?

Another possibility is the latest version of Eset Online Scanner has the same Win 7 requirements as its installed products have:

Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 with latest Windows updates (at least KB4474419 and KB4490628)

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Yes, I am using version, and yes, I have those two Windows updates (and every other legitimate Windows 7 update).

Do you use the online scanner on Windows 7?

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10 hours ago, xxyyz said:

Do you use the online scanner on Windows 7?

No, since I have Win 10 installed.

Post a screen shot of these error messages you are receiving when running EOS.

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There are 15 pairs of errors in the Event Viewer.

The first (ID 1060) says "\??\C:\Users\Laptop\AppData\Local\Temp\ehdrv.sys has been blocked from loading due to incompatibility with this system."

The second (ID 7000) says "The eapihdrv service failed to start due to the following error.  The driver has been blocked from loading".

The problem seems to be that esetonlinescanner_enu.exe puts ehdrv.sys in  a Temp folder then expects it to be in the \system32\drivers folder (where other ESET products put it - but I don't have any other ESET products).

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Appears you opened an earlier thread on this same issue: https://forum.eset.com/topic/20910-online-scanner-errors/

As far as the "has been blocked from loading due to incompatibility with this system" driver issue, refer to this: https://www.sevenforums.com/drivers/98065-windows-7-incompatible-driver-blocking.html

Are you trying to run EOS from a Win standard user account? You need to run it from your default limited admin account. Also if you unadvisedly disabled UAC for some reason, you would not be receiving a UAC alert win EOS started.

Bottom line - there is something installed on your system that is preventing EOS from running properly. One possibility is Eset drivers are already installed on your system from a previous install of an Eset product. etc.. Your solution is to find out what that conflict is and remove it. Or use another product other than EOS.


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