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 Hi guys I really need your help and this must fix asap, we can’t use our anti virus since the last update from Feb 14 after several days we found out that we can’t use scan or any other tools. When we hover it to run a scan and click scan nothing happened and virus starts to show on our files .I’ll attach a photo maybe this might help a little. Thanks https://m.imgur.com/gallery/ukZvWZe

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This issue has been discussed in length recently here, please read the red alert on top of this page.  For latest information, read https://support.eset.com/en/alert7396-legacy-products-startup-issue or https://support.eset.com/en/kb7442-solution-for-eset-endpoint-product-5x (for Endpoint v5).

After fixing the issue, we strongly recommend uninstalling Endpoint v5 and installing the latest Endpoint 7.2 on systems wherever possible, especially if you are using Windows 10 or Windows 7/8 and security of the system matters.

Posted (edited)

prepare v7 esmc and deploy agent to all  v5 endpoint that can communicate with the v7 esmc (good to move to v7 as v5 is only covered under basic support, however if you want to continue to with v5 ( which i have not tired as yet) then creating custom package instruction is attached)

create a shared read only folder accessable to all the endpoint 

download the fixer from and save it to the above shared folder (replace eea with ess and 32bit with 64bit were necessary)



from the v7 esmc - task - client task - operating software - run command  - new client task - setting - type the following "powershell -command "& {(Copy-item -Path '\\shared folder\v5fix\eea_nt64_enu.exe' -Destination '%temp%\eea_nt64_enu.exe');(Start-process '%temp%\eea_nt64_enu.exe' -NoNewWindow)}" > C:\ees_fixer.log" with double hyphe removed and choose target

command above will copy the eea_nt64_enu.exe from the shared folder to local c:\windows\temp and the ees_fixer.log under c:\

ack : Rhesa from Indonesia for providing input for the test and the v5 custom package instruction




Edited by Sameer
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