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SysRescue on Win 10

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EDIT:  EVERY Google result I got initially took me to ESET publications where ESET stated Win 10 was not supported -- and there was No way to to know what's current.

With no help from this Forum I made a Sysrescue USB from the ISO.

HOW Hard would it have been to say you're getting old information.

Sorry I renewed for 3 years..................


Another Forum article on Boot sector viruses got me to SysRescue may Not work on Win 10. (Not supported & May Not Work are same to me)

Is That old data or still true.

I have UEFI with Secure Boot but would appreciate a Best Method CD/USB suggestion for such an occurrence.

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I am looking at the ESET SysRescue Live download page at https://www.eset.com/int/support/sysrescue/ and it does say Windows 10 is supported.  You might have better results using the downloadable .IMG file for creating a USB version than the .ISO file, which is normally intended for optical (CD or DVD) media.


Aryeh Goretsky

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