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Uninstalled ERA6.5, now ESMC7 not installing

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Hi, I replaced a Windows 7 computer that was hosting ERA6.5 with clean-installed Windows 10. I installed ERA6.5 and the install went fine and the web console worked, then I realized that the replacement was ESMC7. I then uninstalled ERA6.5 (I had not made any setting yet), and tried to install ESMC7. When I get to the point of it connecting to MS SQL Server 14 (that was installed by the ERA6.5 installer), I get "Failed to connect to server. It's possible that the hostname or port are not correct.

I found later that I should have just run the ESMC7 install without uninstalling ERA6.5. Is there an easy fix to this? Nothing else is using MS SQL Server on this computer.

Thank you in advance!


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