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two licenses issue


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in my ESET Remote Administrator I have 2 licenses:

1) for 250 computers suite license

2) for 50 computers license recently migrated to suite

In our network about 20 computers should use license no1 and rest of them should use license no2.


After migration license no2 to suite suddenly number of used license go up to more than 50.

My suspicion is all computers switch somehow to license no2 in my network cause of migrating license no2 to suite.

So my question is: can I generate report in Remote Administrator showing which computers are bound to which license?

If not maybe I can check it computer by computer somehow? Don't see this information in client application.

My computers are using ESET Internet Security 6.5 and 7

and my Remote administrator console is v6.5


thanks in advance for any suggestions and help


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  • ESET Staff
6 hours ago, hajmon7 said:

So my question is: can I generate report in Remote Administrator showing which computers are bound to which license

I would try to create new report with following data set configuration:


which should provide you list of devices with public ID of used licenses. It is possible multiple entries per device will be reported in case multiple activated products or multiple licenses are used.

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report is showing exactly what I was trying to see.

But now I see my discrapency:

report is showing 43 computers using license no2, and License Management tab in Remote Management Console is showing 49 licenses used for this license key.

So how to determine why there is this difference? 43 is not 49

As far as I know 43 is more or less what i think is true.

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  • ESET Staff

Number as you see in License management view is provided by ESET licensing servers, i.e. should be more precise. In oppose to that, ESMC reports shows only devices that are managed by ESMC, or more precise are reporting license usage to ESMC.

In you case, there are few possibilities:

  • there might be devices that are not managed by ESMC, but are activated using license
  • there has been hardware changes on clients, or clients were reinstalled, which resulted in duplication on license servers.

In both cases I would recommend to visit ESET licensing portals (EBA or ELA) and check list of activated devices as listed there. In case of duplicates, it should be clear from "seat name". This portal can be also used to manually deactivate or remove device that is no longer active.

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