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DESlock+ Enterprise Server 2.10.10 has been released

ESET Security Forum

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Release Date: September 27, 2018

DESlock+ Enterprise Server 2.10.10 (ESET Endpoint Encryption) has been released and is available to download.

DESlock Enterprise Server 2.10.10

  • Implemented the auto update checks for multi-tenant server installations
  • Added software feature flag to hide OU filter in AD settings by default
  • Allowed TPM pin to be available to read before workstation confirms encryption has started
  • AD test function honours OU filter selection
  • AD test function no longer saves OU filter selection
  • Fixed problem with extra CRLF pair in output from server which could corrupt some downloaded files
  • Fixed crash when opening AD setting caused by more than 500 OUs in domain
  • Fixed crash that could sometimes occur when parsing OU results
  • Fixed activating an already encrypted workstation via auto enrollment
  • Fixed problem downloading workstation log when organisation name contained an ampersand
  • Fixed workstation appearing unmanaged if being adopted with no user logins
  • Converted the workstation log to HTML 4.01 Strict format
  • Delete button is disabled for current active instance in control panel when in multi-tenant mode
  • Added some missing translations
  • Fixed problem with full backup file not being overwritten and backup left in working folder
  • Removed count of activated users from organisation report
  • Changed dlpes logger to use a rotation file by default rather than one single giant file
  • Removed spaces from commonName when used as the email prefix field in AD sync

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