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I can not perform DB backup

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I can not back up my database every time I use this procedure: https://support.eset.com/kb6048/?locale=en_US&viewlocale=en_US. Error is generated already in bank creation. I can not identify what I'm missing, could you help me?
I'm looking to migrate from version 6.1.444 to version 7. In Lab until I've already done this upgrade, but I can not perform this backup, and I'm afraid I need to.


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  • ESET Staff

It seems problem are spaces between IP address and instance/database name. Problematic part " \ ERA_DB" does not seem to be correct - in case you followed linked article, you are missing -d before ERA_DB, and maybe there should be also DB instance name just after hostname (IP).

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Good afternoon.
I had to reset the user's sa password (by the SQL Server Management Studio console) to be able to perform backup via the command line (from cmd in administrator mode), where I used the -U and -P parameters to put the user sa and their respective password. I have completed the installation of ERA 6.1.444 by the all-in-one installer and only the web console user password is requested. Could you inform me the SA user's default password so that I can perform the backup correctly without having to install Management Studio?

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Guys, I can not perform the database restore, please help me. By command line I was only able to backup. I tried to upgrade to SQL Server Management Studio, but when I restore it, I can no longer access the remote administrator's web console, and the remote administrator's service keeps dropping.

I am trying to restore an ERA 6.1.444 backup in an ERA 6.1.444 installation.

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