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Hello! Please add  interface web site  ( sample.eset.com) -that’s is send virus  for sample . That’s is good , because Eset feature many gives new virus .

Avira , Kaspersky is good send virus for Web page, this is many file -that’s not problem .

and please Eset develop web page send  (feature ).


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That’s is AV gives many detect and sample .  Please see page and result . This is important for Eset , how to working to send and result white or black .

Color red -this is good detect ,   Green - white , or AV not detect and sample  to send sample.

Edited by alexander14
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3 hours ago, alexander14 said:

That’s is AV gives many detect and sample .  Please see page and result . This is important for Eset , how to working to send and result white or black .

Color red -this is good detect ,   Green - white , or AV not detect and sample  to send sample.

Virustotal provides a scan using multiple engines and includes ESET in the results.

Plus anything you may "think" is suspicious , can be submitted to ESET via a few different methods. Via windows explorer (right click and submit for analysis)


Or via email  https://support.eset.com/kb141/?locale=en_US&viewlocale=en_US



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That’s is not VirusTotal . Because that’s  1-one scanning file. 

Thats is bad .

eset have function is maximal send vrirus 1 mb maximal , it is nereally send suspicious file .

Maximal 50 mb all file (archive , and other ).


Web page , Kaspersky is good page , that’s is good scan and result , because that’s is Web engine  for AV . That’s is really , maximal upload 50, and good scan result , and send virus ( because Kaspersky not detect ).

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Ghacks.com has an article on Kaspersky Virus Desk here: https://www.ghacks.net/2017/06/21/kaspersky-virusdesk-online-file-and-link-scanner/ .

It's a stand-alone URL and file cloud scanner. There are others. It is also a "1-one scanning file" in that an archive is a single file.  Note that Eset auto scans archives upon download using its web protection prior to their actual file creation on the disk. As far as I am aware of, Eset does not have anything similar to this Kaspersky product. It does however, have a free full cloud based AV scanner offered for non-Eset users.

Eset uses its LiveGrid processing to auto upload files w/o reputation or those deemed suspicious via local based analysis for further Eset server analysis. Additionally, LiveGrid can be accessed manually via Eset GUI to determine running process reputational status.

Finally, as @cyberhash noted, one can manually scan or reputation check any file via context menu option.

Given the above options, I believe it highly doubtful Eset will do anything further in this regard.

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Eset live grid , is small threats  ( because , it is not click to custom file  ).

The Avira have  cloud , that’s is custom scan , that’s is scan ( and result ) , and open GUI Cloud , and file have 2 function (send ,  or not send  ). 

Because Avira Cloud  have custom function , and good send virus and search file , and to load custom file and send virus.

This is detect and quarantine do scan cloud ( and re-analysis for reputations false or not , and return for quarantine ).

Because that’s is 99.95% detect cloud .

Avira have 2-3 base update to 10.000 viruses for day .

Maximal 15.000 viruses for one day update 

Eset have 2-4 bases update  to 94 or 100 viruses , that’s is small  virus threats . Maximal day 200-300.



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Since incorrect and misleading information were provided by the OP and "A" vs "B" discussions are not permitted by forum rules (https://forum.eset.com/topic/76-rules-of-the-eset-security-forum/), we'll draw this topic to a close. For instance, the statement " Eset have 2-4 bases update  to 94 or 100 viruses" is completely incorrect because we cover dozens of thousands of newly emerging threats on a daily basis which is far from what the OP wrote. Needless to say that most AVs, including the one mentioned by the OP, often add detections after ESET, at least in terms of on-demand/on-access detection.

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