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Eset Can not Detect a malicious exe

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Hello Guys 

We have eset endpoint 6.5.2 on our systems and we have been infected by a malicious exe.

eset can not detects the files.

screenshot from virustotal and malicious files attached



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Please submit the file as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/.

By the way, ServerGUi.exe is detected as a CoinMiner PUA. Make sure that you have detection of pot. unwanted applications enabled.
NTRIGHTS.exe is a benign file.


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By just a quick look it's a non-onfuscated Autoit script with "Joakim Schicht" listed as the author, so probably related to https://github.com/jschicht.

I've passed the script for further analysis to confirm or deny that it should be detected.

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