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Win Update 4093118...Repeating


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Is anyone else having issues with Windows Update (Win 7 in my case) continually needing/repeating to be installed? I've installed it 4 times now and it's still showing as being needed. ESET EIS is also reflecting the Win Update request. I've tried using the Win Update trouble shooter with no luck. Also tried doing the command prompt thing and the commands are denied (see:https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-update/windows-update-say-i-need-kb4093118-even-after-it/f2a00be9-3328-42a6-aa8a-80d272518457 )

I guess I'll try uninstalling and see what happens. Anyone have any suggestions? The Win Support website has no real help other than what I previously mentioned.


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I'd suggest temporarily uninstalling ESET and see if you can install the update then. If the problem persists, you can rule out ESET being the culprit.

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Just now, Marcos said:

I'd suggest temporarily uninstalling ESET and see if you can install the update then. If the problem persists, you can rule out ESET being the culprit.

Thanks Marcos, I don't think ESET is the culprit...but I'll keep that in mind. Just checked and I do not see 4093118 as being installed. I "think" it was released in their update with 4093113 which I see was installed. So I am uninstalling 4093113, will reboot and then run Win updates and see what I get.

I will advise.

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FYI - Best to read the entire referenced link:


The only approach that seems to work is to find the patch in the Windows Update list, right-click on it and choose Hide


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35 minutes ago, itman said:

Yes I saw that. I uninstalled 4093113 (as I previously mentioned), rebooted and NOW 4093118 shows as being installed. Did another update check,  and 4093118 (security update-Importantis not coming up, only 4093113 (April 17, 2018—KB4093113 (Preview of Monthly Rollup-Optional)). Both were released April 17, 2018. As 4093113 is optional, I am going to hide that one and just wait and see what happens.

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47 minutes ago, TomFace said:

(April 17, 2018—KB4093113 (Preview of Monthly Rollup-Optional)). 

Based on the Microsoft write up:


Windows Update and WSUS will offer this update to applicable Windows client and server operating systems regardless of the existence or value of the "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat\cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc" registry setting. This change has been made to protect user data.

That registry key controls Spectre mitigation settings. Suspect this update might contain Windows microcode updates for Intel BIOS patches released to date. So if you have an Intel processor installed, it might be something to look into.

FYI - if you haven't been following what is going on in this regard, Microsoft is offering these BIOS patches in the form of micro code updates to Windows users since many OEMs are only offering BIOS updates for newer products. Also be aware that some systems have experienced noticeable slowdowns after the BIOS/micro code patches have been applied. 

Would be helpful if MS was more straight forward in their Win Update write up in this regard.

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6 hours ago, itman said:

Based on the Microsoft write up:

That registry key controls Spectre mitigation settings. Suspect this update might contain Windows microcode updates for Intel BIOS patches released to date. So if you have an Intel processor installed, it might be something to look into.

FYI - if you haven't been following what is going on in this regard, Microsoft is offering these BIOS patches in the form of micro code updates to Windows users since many OEMs are only offering BIOS updates for newer products. Also be aware that some systems have experienced noticeable slowdowns after the BIOS/micro code patches have been applied. 

Would be helpful if MS was more straight forward in their Win Update write up in this regard.

Thanks for the additional info itman. Just by what I've read, it seems that MS isn't really sure it knows what it's doing.

Edited by TomFace
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