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Can we used “Web Structure” to detection phishing website attacks?


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I'm a Research Student at the University of Lahore. I'm doing work on a novel approach to detect phishing websites more accurately. I'm confused on these questions listed below. I've read state-of-the-work on web structure based phishing detection but I couldn't find more work on it.

1) Can I use a structure of requested web page to detect page that is either legitimate or phishing?

2) will structure of web page significant in phishing detection?

3) Why did researchers not use a structure of web page to detect phishing website attacks?

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Web structure tells almost nothing about whether a particular page is phishing or innocuous. There are some typical folders that contain phishing pages, such as securedview, paypal/paypal, docusignpro, adobecom, Gdrive, etc. but their names change, folder names may consist of random characters or phishing pages may be placed even right in the web root folder. It is not possible to 100% detect phishing pages just by the address / web structure and there are many things that need to be considered.

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