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How to ban images hosting with (probably) many CDNs?

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I'd want to block downloading images from reddit.com

Most of them 're coming from Imgur.com - which is fairly easy to block, but

problem comes when I want to block reddit's cache/cdn (not sure) because it still shows images from imgur which got cached.


Anywa idea on how to do that? it seems to be kinda hard


Example: reddit.com/r/pics/comments/7vvcbd/view_from_mount_fuji_at_sunrise/


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You cannot block already cached content. As for blocking addresses by category, Parental Control is what you need. However, it won't work 100% since not every single domain is categorized, or some domains may be miscategorized, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Marcos said:

You cannot block already cached content. As for blocking addresses by category, Parental Control is what you need. However, it won't work 100% since not every single domain is categorized, or some domains may be miscategorized, etc.


You meant content cached by reddit, yea?

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On 8.02.2018 at 12:54 AM, Aryeh Goretsky said:


Have you tried blocking *.thumbs.redditmedia.com?  If so, did that work for you?


Aryeh Goretsky


It started working, Thanks!



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