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Remote Administrator Upgrade 6.2 to 6.5

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Good Morning

We would like to upgrade our ERA Server from 6.2. to 6.5. After reading the documentation, we still have two questions:

1. Why do we need to select targets? Are the targets ESET clients, where the Eset Agent will automatically be upgraded, too? Can we leave the targets blank and do this manually later?

2. When we have to select the server, we get a list of two servers, our current one (6.2.) and the new one (6.5). Whch server do we have to select, the one to be upgraded (6.2) or the one we want to upgrade to (6.5)?

Many thanks.

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1, If you mean upgrade of ERA Agent on clients, you select the desired clients with an older version of ERA Agent as targets for the ERA Components Upgrade task.

2, Are you not going upgrade ERA Server 6.2 to v6.5 but instead you've installed a brand new 6.5 server? If the latter, please refer to https://support.eset.com/kb6498 for instructions how to migrate to a new ERA Server.

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  • ESET Staff


You have to select targets, as you have the control over which computers will be updated when. We do recommend to first upgrade the ERA server, then a test set of agents, and then gradually to the entire network. 

You have to choose the target version of the server. So in this case 6.5 - it will then update all of the components on selected targets, to the version compatible with the referenced server (agents, proxy, server, webconsole).

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