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Firewall prompts immediately interactable AND focused

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So, I use Eset, and have for a couple of years now. It's by far the best solution I've seen, baring one issue that almost every AV/Firewall seems to have:

Any prompt is keyboard interactable, the window is default focused, and to top it off, "Allow" is the default selected option. This is incredibly frustrating when your profession requires a lot of keyboard usage.
Is there a way to change any of these behaviours? Or set a short period that I can't accidentally press space to confirm that I really did want to allow supertrojan.exe to have full connectivity, instead of entering a simple space in VS?

I'm honestly surprised this behaviour has persisted in so many AVs (and Windows itself) for so many years.

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Thinking about it though, even that might be an issue.

Could you perhaps put up a default Windows toast stating that an application has attempted to make a connection, some basic info, and then have a list of pending connections in the Eset window itself?
Maybe under a new header, between "Computer scan" and "Update" or something?

This would also help with gaming, since Eset doesn't throw up prompts whilst gaming mode is active, so sometimes network based games get patched and can't connect, with no notification as to the issue from Eset.

Edited by effprompts
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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

I reckon that in gamer mode all connections for which no rule exists are allowed in interactive mode.

They're not. That's why I said that very specific example of an event that has occurred to me.

Edited by effprompts
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