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Upon booting my computer I am getting the error message: "Error Communicating with Kernel". Eset is not starting. I have followed all the steps in this kb article. 'Eset Service' is listed in Services as 'Automatic' but it is not 'Started'. I've manually started it and rebooted, but after reboot is it not started again. I downloaded and ran both Win32/Sirefef (Zero.Access rootkit) & Win32/IRCBot.ANR removal programs. Win32/Sirefef (Zero.Access rootkit) removal program reported that I wasn't infected. Win32/IRCBot.ANR cleaner didn't report any infection although it wasn't clear as it doesn't specifically state that you're not infected.


I was running V6 of Smart Security. I updated to V7 using the in-app update option. I still have the same "Error Communication with Kernel" though.


Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Hello FlexiPack


You can try this: Go to C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security, and rename the file em001_32.dat  to em001_32.dat.bak . Then reboot your system. Then  should eset servise start.


Regards Janus :-))

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You can try this: Go to C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security, and rename the file em001_32.dat  to em001_32.dat.bak . Then reboot your system. Then  should eset servise start.


That's not a good idea, doing so would most likely cause modules not to load.


Do you get the error if you attempt to open ESET's gui after installation or only after a restart? What operating system do you use?

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You can try this: Go to C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security, and rename the file em001_32.dat  to em001_32.dat.bak . Then reboot your system. Then  should eset servise start.


That's not a good idea, doing so would most likely cause modules not to load.


Do you get the error if you attempt to open ESET's gui after installation or only after a restart? What operating system do you use?


I'm using Windows 7 64bit. If I try to open the ESET GUI whilst the Eset Service module is not started, I get the Kernel Error. However once I manually start the Eset Service module, I can then open the ESET GUI. ESET will then continue to run normally until my next reboot.

Edited by FlexiPack
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I'd really appreciate some help with this. It's an ongoing problem. A couple of times ESET has started normally after booting but the majority of the time it doesn't and I have to start it manually.

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Can you send SysInternals Autoruns log?

Or you can take a look at it yourself for what is starting with Windows and spot the unwanted modules...


In addition - save & clean Application and System eventlogs, restart computer and check or send those logs.




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 Here's the result from 'sc query ekrn' when 'ekrn' isn't running:






For reference, this is what it says if I run the same command whilst 'ekrn' is running:



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Please enable creation of complete application memory dumps under Tools -> Diagnostics, reproduce the issue and then check the Diagnostics folder if there are some dumps created.

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Since my last post I have not had the error. I have booted the computer around 8 times since then. This happened previously though, it went for a couple of days where it worked as it should and then kernel error came back. It's very strange. I have not changed anything since yesterday. I have enabled the diagnostic dump, when/if it happens again I will post the dump if there is one. What would cause a diagnostic dump? So far the folder is empty.

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What would cause a diagnostic dump? So far the folder is empty.


When ekrn.exe crashes, a dump will be created in the Diagnostics folder.

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The error just occurred again. First time in 3 days. There is unfortunately no dump in the diagnostics folder.


Dump type is set to: Complete memory dump


Target Directory is: C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Smart Security\Diagnostics\


The only thing in that folder is a folder called 'modules' which is empty.

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  • 2 years later...

I received a notice to "turn on antivirus."   When I go to ESET it gives me the notice "error communicating with kernel."  What do I do?  I need to use my computer on-line and the office help number only works Mon-Fri.



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The error indicates that ekrn.exe is not running. Please check the Task manager if the process is listed there. Also check the system event log for possible errors as well as C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Smart Security\Diagnostics. Are there any dump files in that folder? Try uninstalling and re-installing ESS v9 and see  if it helps.

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